3 Ways to Utilize LinkedIn as a Tech Founder

Ben Griffith
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LinkedIn is a valuable social platform for tech founders to connect with other professionals and grow their own business. In LinkedIn, there are many ways to help your company grow without spending much money, and without spending much time. Here are three effective ways to use LinkedIn as a tech founder.

1. Invite Relevant People to Your Company Page

Creating a LinkedIn company page is a crucial first step for showcasing your business, sharing updates, and interacting with followers. So, if you haven’t already created a page for your company, that would be the first step. However, once you have a page, it's important to invite people to follow your page strategically. Rather than sending mass invites to everyone on your contact list, focus on your target market. Determine the people or organizations most interested in your product or service, and invite them to follow your page. This way, you will build a relevant audience that is more likely to engage with your content and become customers.

2. Post Valuable Content Regularly

Once you have a company page and a relevant audience, keep them engaged with your content by posting regularly. This can be as little as once per week. It's essential to ensure that your content is valuable and relevant to your target market. Posts can come from numerous sources including in-house blogs, company updates, company webinars, and relevant outside articles. Additionally, if you can convert pre-existing, high performing content on your site into short or long form videos, do it! Videos are much more engaging, and higher performing on LinkedIn. However, when you are creating, or repurposing content, keep this question in mind: “How will this affect my target market?” Consistently posting content that is valuable to your target market establishes your brand as a thought leader in your industry and keeps your followers interested and engaged with your business.

3. Strategically Expand Your Network

Finally, expanding your network is crucial to using LinkedIn effectively. Connect with other professionals in your industry, partners, investors, but most importantly: your target market. Utilize LinkedIn's search function to find people or organizations relevant to your business. And, when you find people you want to connect with, send them a personalized note with your invitation. LinkedIn is full of people sending “robotic” copy to mass lists of people they are only wanting to sell to. Show genuine interest, and bring something beneficial to the table. Building valuable relationships with relevant professionals can significantly benefit your business in the long term. Don’t just shoot for short-term gain.

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for tech founders to grow their business. However, you have to put the work in to make the most out of this social platform.

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